Author Guidelines

In order to ensure acceptance for publication, it is imperative that the manuscript adheres to the SciFormat Publishing requirements outlined below. Failure to do so will result in rejection following the initial evaluation by the Editor.

Types of books

SciFormat publishes the following types of books:

  • Edited Book: a book that aims to provide a comprehensive treatment of a single subject and is authored by multiple contributors under the guidance of a volume editor.
  • Monograph: a book that aims to provide a comprehensive treatment of a single subject and is typically authored by one or a few co-authors.
  • Textbook: a book that is specifically designed for educational purposes and typically provides an overview of a subject matter.
  • Proceedings: a publication that encompasses a selection of presentations given at a conference or workshop.
  • Thesis: a book that documents an author's research and is typically written to fulfill the requirements for attaining a degree.
  • Lecture Notes: a book that provides a quick and informal report on new developments in research and teaching. Their purpose is to succinctly and clearly communicate current knowledge in an accessible manner.

Manuscript Preparation

Before submission, we strongly recommend you explore the entire Editorial Process.
Authors are expected to comply with the Policies and Publication Ethics standards to ensure their manuscript adheres to the publishing standards before submitting it for publication.

General requirements

  • To be considered for publication, all books must adhere to grammatically correct English standards. If English is not your primary language, it is recommended that you have your manuscript reviewed by an English-speaking colleague or a professional editing service to ensure accuracy.
  • When preparing your manuscript for submission, SciFormat Publishing provides both a Monograph Template and an Edited Book Template. The Monograph Template should be used for publishing a whole book, while the Edited Book Template is suitable for authors contributing to an edited book.
  • Each chapter should be 7 - 30 pages.
  • Page numbering should commence in Chapter 1 or Introduction. For books divided into parts, chapters should be numbered consecutively throughout, with relevant parts labeled accordingly, such as Part One: Chapter 1, Chapter 2; Part Two: Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and so on.
  • In accordance with References Guidelines, the author is required to utilize the APA (American Psychological Association) style for references. Further information can be found within the guidelines.
  • Footnotes should be avoided in the Main Text.
  • Figures must be numbered in sequential order within each chapter, such as Figure 1.1 for Chapter 1 and Figure 2.1 for Chapter 2, and should include a descriptive caption. Tables should be created in MS Word and numbered separately from figures (e.g., Table 1.1). It is necessary to reference all figures and tables in the text near where they appear.
  • Abbreviations must be defined in parentheses upon their first appearance in the abstract, main text, and figure or table captions. Subsequently, they should be used consistently throughout the document.
  • The International System of Units (SI) must be utilized, and any Imperial, US customary, or other units should be converted to their respective SI units.
  • When including equations, please utilize either the Microsoft Equation Editor or the MathType add-on. It is important to ensure that the equations are editable by the editorial office and do not appear in a picture format.
  • Submit your complete manuscript in MS Word via our online submission system.

General Manuscript Formatting

  • Font: Use Times New Roman throughout the manuscript.
  • Font Size: The text should be in 12-point size.
  • Page Size: Letter or A4.
  • Line Spacing: Set line spacing to 1.5 throughout the document, including references, footnotes, and acknowledgments.
  • Margins: Use 1-inch (2.54 cm) margins on all sides of each page.
  • Date Formatting: use the day-month-year format, e.g., 12 March 2024

Manuscript Structure

Generally, manuscripts consist of three sections: Front Matter, Main Text, and Back Matter.
To prepare the manuscript, please utilize the Monograph Template or the Edited Book Template. Please avoid attempting to format your manuscript as our typesetters will handle this task.

Front Matter includes the following parts:

  • Title page;*
  • Dedication (optional);
  • Foreword (optional);
  • Preface (optional);
  • Acknowledgments (optional);
  • About the book/conference (optional);
  • About the Authors (for Monographs);*
  • About the Editor/List of Contributors (for Edited Books);*
  • List of Abbreviations (optional);
  • List of Figures and/or Tables (optional);
  • Table of Contents.*

Please note that the Title page, About the Authors, About the Editor/List of Contributors, and Table of Contents MUST appear in the manuscript’s Front Matter. All other parts listed above are optional. The order of the parts listed above is not flexible, as we have established it as our preferred style and have streamlined our publication process accordingly.

[Title page]:
This is a significant page as it provides readers with basic information about the book, including who wrote it, who published it, and when it was published.
The title page comprises of following sections: manuscript title and subtitle, author/editor list, abstract, and keywords.

Title: When creating the manuscript title, it is important to ensure that it is brief yet descriptive. A good title should be specific and relevant to the content of the manuscript, providing users with a clear idea of what to expect and be as unique as possible. It is recommended that the title should not exceed 60 characters in length. The use of concise language is also important to ensure that users can quickly and easily understand the focus of the manuscript. By providing a clear and informative title, authors can attract potential readers and make their work more accessible to a wider audience. The subtitle is optional.

Author/Editor List: Include the following information - all author/editor names, their affiliations, e-mail addresses, and ORCID ID.

Abstract: The abstract is a concise summary of the manuscript, typically consisting of 200-250 words. It should be presented in a single paragraph, following the structured abstract format without headings. The abstract should provide a background and context for the research question, describe the methods and treatments applied, summarize the main findings, and present the main conclusions or interpretations. It should be an objective representation of the book, avoiding any exaggerations or claims that are not supported by the main text.

Keywords: It is required to add three to ten relevant and specific keywords that are commonly used within the subject discipline. These keywords should accurately reflect the content of the book and make it easier for readers to find the book through search engines and databases. It is recommended that the keywords are both specific and relevant to the book to ensure that they accurately reflect the content and aid in discoverability.

[Dedication] (optional):
The dedication is a page where the author dedicates the book to a person, group of people, or organization. This page is optional and is often used to acknowledge the support and encouragement received from others during the writing process.

[Foreword] (optional):
The foreword is a short introductory essay written by someone other than the author, usually an expert in the field, to introduce the book and its author to the reader. The purpose of a foreword is to provide a different perspective on the book and its importance in the field.

[Preface] (optional):
The preface is a short statement at the beginning of the book, usually written by the author, that explains the purpose and scope of the book, and how it is organized. The preface is optional and provides readers with a brief overview of what to expect from the book.

[Acknowledgments] (optional):
The acknowledgments page is where the author expresses gratitude to individuals or organizations that have provided support or assistance during the writing process. This page is optional and is often used to thank editors, reviewers, and colleagues who have contributed to the book in some way.

[About the book/conference] (optional):
This page provides a brief description of the book, including its purpose, scope, and significance. In the case of conference proceedings, this page provides a brief description of the conference, including its theme and location.

[About the Authors] (for Monographs):
This page provides brief biographical information about the author(s), including their academic or professional background, publications, and research interests. This page is essential in establishing the author's credibility and expertise in the field. Brief biographies of 100 to 200 words are accepted.

[About the Editor/List of Contributors] (for Edited Books):
This page provides information about the editor(s) of the book, including their academic or professional background and contributions to the book. For edited books, this page also includes a list of contributors and their respective chapters. Short biographies of 50 to 100 words are accepted.

[List of Abbreviations] (optional):
This page lists the abbreviations used in the book and their full forms. This page is optional but can be helpful for readers who are not familiar with the subject matter or terminology used in the book.

[List of Figures and/or Tables] (optional):
This page lists the figures and tables included in the book, along with their titles and page numbers. This page is optional but can be helpful for readers who are looking for specific information presented in the book's figures and tables.

[Table of Contents]:
The table of contents lists the chapters and major parts of the book, along with their page numbers. It provides readers with an overview of the book's structure and organization, making it easier for them to navigate through the content. Front matter materials that showed above are not listed in the table of contents. All pages placed before the Table of Contents are numbered in Roman. Page numbering in Arabic numerals should commence in Chapter 1 or the Introduction.


Main Text

for a Monograph (not an Edited Book):

A monograph is a detailed and comprehensive written work on a particular subject or a specific aspect of a broader field. The main text of a monograph is the core of the work, and it contains the bulk of the information that the author wants to convey.

The main text of a monograph usually follows a structured format that includes several sections, such as an Introduction, a Materials and Methods section, a Results section, a Discussion section, and Conclusions. The specific structure may vary depending on the subject matter and the intended audience, but the following is a general overview of the main sections of a monograph:

The introduction of the research should provide a brief overview of the study and its significance in a broader context. It should clearly define the purpose and objectives of the work, including any specific hypotheses being tested. To ensure accuracy, the current state of the research field should be carefully reviewed and relevant publications cited, with any controversial or diverging hypotheses highlighted.
Additionally, the introduction should briefly state the main aim of the research and preview the main conclusions, while maintaining comprehensibility for scientists working outside the specific topic of the book. Overall, the introduction serves as a critical roadmap for the reader, providing context and highlighting the importance of the study while setting the stage for the subsequent sections of the monograph.

[Materials and Methods].
This section describes the research methods used in the monograph, including the data collection and analysis techniques. The author should provide enough detail to allow readers to understand the research design and replicate the study if necessary.

This section presents the findings of the research, typically through tables, graphs, and other visual aids. The author should interpret the results and discuss their significance in relation to the research questions and the existing literature. The author can suggest his own title for this section and divide it into subsections with their own titles.

This section provides an interpretation of the results in the context of the broader research questions and the existing literature. The author should highlight the contributions of the study, its limitations, and its implications for future research. This section may be combined with Results and divided into sections and subsections with their own titles.

This section summarizes the main findings of the study and restates the main conclusions. The author may also suggest areas for future research.


for an Edited Book:

An edited book is a compilation of chapters written by multiple authors on a common topic, usually organized and edited by a single editor or group of editors. The main text of an edited book is comprised of these individual chapters, and it serves to provide a comprehensive analysis of the topic from various perspectives.

The main text of an edited book typically follows a structured format that includes an Introduction, several Chapters, and a Conclusions section. The following is a general overview of the main sections of an edited book:

This section is written by the editor(s) and provides an overview of the topic of the book, highlighting its importance and outlining the key themes and topics that will be covered in the subsequent chapters. The introduction may also provide background information on the authors and their contributions to the field.

The chapters are written by an individual author(s) and are organized into sections that cover different aspects of the topic. Each chapter should be well-structured and clearly written, with a specific focus on the theme or topic it addresses. The author(s) should support their arguments with evidence and cite relevant literature to support their claims.
Each chapter must contain the next attributes: Chapter Title, Authors List that Includes the following information - all author's full names, affiliations, e-mail addresses, and ORCID ID, Abstract (200 - 250 words), Keywords (3 to 10 relevant and specific keywords), Subchapters, and References (at SciFormat Publishing, we highly recommend utilizing APA style for your references. To ensure the accuracy and consistency of your references, we suggest using a bibliography software package, such as EndNote, Mendeley, or Zotero. These tools can help you avoid typing errors and prevent the duplication of references, ultimately saving you time and effort in the publication process).

The conclusion is also written by the editor(s) and provides a summary of the main themes and findings of the book. It may also highlight areas for future research and offer insights into the implications of the book's findings for the broader field.


Back Matter

After the last chapter or Conclusions in the case of a monograph, the Back Matter of the book can contain:

  • References;*
  • Author Contributions;*
  • Funding;*
  • Conflicts of Interest;*
  • Appendix (optional),
  • Glossary (optional),
  • Index (optional).

References, Author Contributions, Funding, and Conflicts of Interest must be included in the manuscript.

The references in your work should follow the APA (American Psychological Association) style. You can find a detailed guide on APA style through the provided link. To ensure the precision and consistency of your references, we recommend utilizing a bibliography software package like EndNote, Mendeley, or Zotero. It is generally advised to include all references at the end of the monograph (or at the end of each chapter in the case of an Edited Book). It is important to note that footnotes should be avoided in the Main Text of your work.

[Author Contributions]
The Editor(s) or primary author should clearly indicate the roles and contributions of each listed author using our Authorship and Contributorship policy.  For manuscripts with several authors, the following statements should be used (the number of authors is indicated as an example):

Conceptualization: Author 1 and Author 2; 
Methodology: Author 1; 
Software: Author 3; 
Validation: Author 1, Author 3, and Author 4; 
Formal Analysis: Author 4; 
Investigation: Author 2; 
Resources: Author 1; 
Data Curation: Author 3; 
Writing – Original Draft Preparation: Author 1; 
Writing – Review & Editing: Author 2; 
Visualization: Author 4; 
Supervision: Author 1; 
Project Administration: Author 3; 
Funding Acquisition: Author 1. 

If none of the authors did not take part in some role of contribution you should specify 'n/a', for example, Funding Acquisition: n/a.

Please add the following information: “This research received no external funding” or “This research was funded by Name of Funder, grant number xxx-xxx” and “The Book Processing Charges was funded by xxx-xxx”.

[Conflicts of Interest]
It is essential for authors to disclose any personal circumstances or interest that could potentially impact the representation or interpretation of their research results. This ensures transparency and helps maintain the integrity of the work. If there is no conflict of interest, authors should explicitly state, "The authors declare no conflict of interest."

[Appendix] (optional)
In the case of an Edited Book the Appendix is shown after each Chapter. In the case of Monograph - at the end of the book.
An Appendix is an optional section that provides supplementary or supporting materials that are relevant to the main text but not essential for understanding the core content. The purpose of an appendix is to include additional information that may be useful to readers, but that would disrupt the flow or distract from the main argument if included within the main text.

Some common examples of materials that may be included in an appendix are:
Raw data: In scientific or research-based monographs, authors may include the raw data sets that were analyzed to generate the results presented in the main text. This allows interested readers to examine the data in detail or conduct further analysis if desired.
Supplementary figures or tables: Complex or extensive figures and tables that provide additional supporting information can be included in the appendix. These may include detailed charts, graphs, maps, or lengthy tables that are referenced in the main text but not fully presented there.
Methodological details: For studies with intricate or technical methodologies, authors may choose to provide a more in-depth description in the appendix. This could include step-by-step procedures, detailed experimental protocols, or specific calculations that are necessary for reproducing the study.
Supporting documents: Monographs in fields such as law or social sciences may include supporting documents such as surveys, questionnaires, interview transcripts, consent forms, or legal agreements. These materials offer further evidence or context for the research presented in the main text.
Additional analysis or results: Sometimes, an author may have conducted supplementary analysis or obtained additional results that are relevant but not crucial to the main argument. These can be included in the appendix for interested readers.

[Glossary] (optional)
Including a Glossary in your monograph can be beneficial. In the Glossary, terms are arranged alphabetically, with each term appearing on a separate line, followed by its corresponding definition. It is important to note that a Glossary specifically consists of terms and their explanations, while a List of Abbreviations only presents the abbreviations alongside their expanded forms, without providing further explanations.

[Index] (optional)
Regarding the Index, it is highly recommended to utilize the indexing function available in MS Word. Ideally, there should be an average of one to two index entry terms per manuscript page. It is important to remember that only one source file should be submitted per book, and there is no need to send a separate version marked up specifically with index terms.